Wednesday, July 10, 2013

NOLA Wednesday

2:01pm- This morning we worked on the community garden. It is really coming along! I had so much fun serving with the high schoolers. I met some I hadn't really met yet and I got to know other kids even better. It brings me so much joy to be with these kids! They have great attitudes and serve selflessly. We had sandwiches for lunch. Now I'm staying back at New Birth where we eat and do vbs. I'm helping Erica, Spencer, and Ian prepare dinner for nearly 100 people. We are making pasta bake, salad, and garlic bread. 

My word for today is endurance. I need to keep pushing through my temptation to complain, be unloving, or be lazy. It's going well! My irritability level is still pretty low which is great!

11:29pm- This is a random highlight/insight into my day. Earlier as I was walking up to my room, a high schooler who I met on this trip waved at me and said, "hey Morgan!!". Being called by name is a big deal to me. I love feeling known by people. It makes me feel really special. I've been getting that feeling all week! Kids asking me to sit by them, calling my name, or some other thing they do to make me feel known and appreciated has been awesome. I love feeling connected to these kids, I love watching them serve and grow. I wish I used my time better and filled out more encouragement cards for them! I wish I could better express how much I appreciate them! I really do think they're wonderful! 

11:36pm- Before making dinner, we watched the movie Fireproof, just the 4 of us. It was fun! The movie was cheesy but worth watching for sure. Making dinner was so much fun! Erica is so sweet and such a great encourager. I loved how she let me do things for her even though it took a lot longer to show me the right way to do it and it just took longer in general. But i had so much fun and she was so encouraging to me always telling me it looked great! It was cool to watch her and Spencer cook! It's kinda mesmerizing. I just enjoy it. And it was delicious of course! During vbs, we cleaned the kitchen really well. That was fun and it was nice to work slow and take a break. We sat around and talked a lot. A teams went well tonight. It was cool to have Christina be so open about her life and I look forward to praying for herthis  summer.

Tomorrow my word will be reflect because I want to focus on focusing on God and what he's doing, and how it affects me now and in the future, etc. 

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