Wednesday, June 19, 2013

Busy with a side of non-stop.

My internship with Olathe Bible Church started two weeks ago. For the first week we scrambled to prepare for a week doing mission work in Panama. Panama was great and relatively relaxing with extended morning time for devotions and hammock time in the evenings. The best part of the trip was the lovely humans I shared it with and will be sharing life with for the rest of the summer. I could brag on them for a long time! They're stinkin fantastic and I'm blown away by their wisdom and their selfless hearts. In a mere two weeks they've already helped mold me into something more like Christ.
Look up Panama mission June 2013 on YouTube if you want to see a video summary of our trip.
We flew back from Panama on a Saturday and went to church on Sunday. It was Father's Day but my parents had just left for Israel, Hannah (14 yr. old sister) was on her way to Texas for a mission trip, and my grandma was watching Rosie (12 yr. old sister). I've been back for four days, but it feels like two weeks! So much has happened. The internship keeps me busy at church until at least one in the afternoon. We usually run late and then we have two book studies to prepare for, random other responsibilities, and hang out time. There hasn't been a time when I felt completely free to do nothing. There's always something I should be doing. I haven't been getting as much sleep as usual either, so I'm struggling to stay fully focused in devotions and teaching times. I was yawning my way through mini golf with the high schoolers today!
There is some time management that needs to be learned. I have some adjusting still to do. It isn't what I expected, but I also wasn't expecting to be spiritually filled this much. I'm really not complaining. Every struggle is worth this community to me. That's why I choose sleep over them most nights. Unfortunately they tend to take priority over devotions at times as well. I'm learning how to balance the several things I'm juggling.
So, some of my goals are to make time for reflection. It seems like there's not enough time in the day because I have so much I'd love to reflect on! It'd be nice if I could take time to blog my thoughts at least every few days as a way of reflecting. We will see if that happens. I'm also wanting to post some pictures from Panama and other events here and there. It'll be delayed if it happens at all. I honestly couldn't figure out how to even post them on facebook... I'm that awful with technology stuff.
As far as my favorite Instagram photos that I like to update regularly, those probably won't get much attention this summer. I'm lucky if I even check Instagram every day. I wish I had time because I love doing that.
That's all I have for my brief and sporadic summary of my summer as of late.

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