Wednesday, April 17, 2013

Shout Outs

Today I was dwelling on some of the awesome people in my life and wanted to talk about them here.

The most recent would be this group of girls right here. (Plus some who aren't in this picture.) These are my Bible study girls who has been pouring sweet things into my soul for the last month. I was praying for friendships, and I'm in awe of God's grace to answer my prayer and put these girls in my life at such a perfect time. It's been great to pursue The Lord with these ladies. Looking forward to more fun adventures in the future.

The biggest blessing in my life currently would have to be my sweet room mate Sarah. I was terrified to leave home and attend a huge state school. Room mates can make the transition either more or less difficult. Sarah has been a huge support to me. She points me to Christ in everything and inspires me to work hard in school. I'm very grateful that she invested in me this year. I'm looking forward to another year with her and our new room mate Kaitlyn!

I got a phone call from my Aunt Liz last week. I was reminded of how wise she is. I wish I talked with her more regularly. I love weekend visits with her in the summer. She has imparted so much wisdom to me. I hope to be half as good a counselor as she is one day.

Laura Hough is my mentor from Olathe who's moving here to Manhattan (whoop whoop!). She has helped me through my biggest doubts, my relationships, my mess ups, and more. I have gained so much wisdom from my time with Laura. I'm so lucky to have her pouring into life. I look forward to more Route 44 Dr. Peppers with cream and book discussions!

Speaking of influential people, my parents are the They are so supportive, so wise, and so loving toward me. I love their servant hearts. My mom volunteers for everything, which comes back to haunt her sometimes, but she is such a joyful and generous giver. Her talents have not been wasted! I know, I take advantage of them all the time! And my dad is such a gentleman. He still brings the car around for us, takes the dog out when it's freezing, and does the dishes! I just think he's the greatest! His kindness blows my mind.

Thanks so much for pouring into my life! I listed the ones who came to mind this morning, but I know there are so many more. I'm so grateful for you.

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