Wednesday, June 19, 2013

2 Timothy 3:16-17

This was our memory verse and main idea during week two of my internship.

"All Scripture is God breathed and profitable for teaching, for reproof, for correction, and for training in righteousness, that the man of God may be competent, equipped for every good work." -2 Timothy 3: 16-17
I want to be a disciplined person who not only does her devotions every day, but that I would need them, that I would be focused as I do them, and that my devotion time would lead to a life that looks like Christ.
I'm also learning the value of memorizing Scripture. We have a memory verse every week and on top of that I'm memorizing Psalm 51. I'm looking forward to keeping this up during the school year. When my mind starts to wander to things it shouldn't, I say my memory verse to myself. It's been helpful for me to fill my mind with good things and less junk. 

Busy with a side of non-stop.

My internship with Olathe Bible Church started two weeks ago. For the first week we scrambled to prepare for a week doing mission work in Panama. Panama was great and relatively relaxing with extended morning time for devotions and hammock time in the evenings. The best part of the trip was the lovely humans I shared it with and will be sharing life with for the rest of the summer. I could brag on them for a long time! They're stinkin fantastic and I'm blown away by their wisdom and their selfless hearts. In a mere two weeks they've already helped mold me into something more like Christ.
Look up Panama mission June 2013 on YouTube if you want to see a video summary of our trip.
We flew back from Panama on a Saturday and went to church on Sunday. It was Father's Day but my parents had just left for Israel, Hannah (14 yr. old sister) was on her way to Texas for a mission trip, and my grandma was watching Rosie (12 yr. old sister). I've been back for four days, but it feels like two weeks! So much has happened. The internship keeps me busy at church until at least one in the afternoon. We usually run late and then we have two book studies to prepare for, random other responsibilities, and hang out time. There hasn't been a time when I felt completely free to do nothing. There's always something I should be doing. I haven't been getting as much sleep as usual either, so I'm struggling to stay fully focused in devotions and teaching times. I was yawning my way through mini golf with the high schoolers today!
There is some time management that needs to be learned. I have some adjusting still to do. It isn't what I expected, but I also wasn't expecting to be spiritually filled this much. I'm really not complaining. Every struggle is worth this community to me. That's why I choose sleep over them most nights. Unfortunately they tend to take priority over devotions at times as well. I'm learning how to balance the several things I'm juggling.
So, some of my goals are to make time for reflection. It seems like there's not enough time in the day because I have so much I'd love to reflect on! It'd be nice if I could take time to blog my thoughts at least every few days as a way of reflecting. We will see if that happens. I'm also wanting to post some pictures from Panama and other events here and there. It'll be delayed if it happens at all. I honestly couldn't figure out how to even post them on facebook... I'm that awful with technology stuff.
As far as my favorite Instagram photos that I like to update regularly, those probably won't get much attention this summer. I'm lucky if I even check Instagram every day. I wish I had time because I love doing that.
That's all I have for my brief and sporadic summary of my summer as of late.

Monday, June 3, 2013

Car changes

A lot has changed with our car situation in the last 2 weeks. Here's some background on my dad's love for cars and then I'll get into allthat's happened recently! My dad loves cars. He has liked cars since a young age and in high school he started hanging out with a fellow car lover and they fixed up cars together. Since then, he's raced cars for fun. He raced an RX7. He started to become one of the best in his league, but to move up in racing it would cost more money. It wasn't worth it to him so he stopped racing almost 2 years ago. Ironically, he crashed his car during his final race. He sold it for parts and moved on.

I appreciate my dad so much because he chooses to do what's best for us all the time. He could've kept racing, but it cost money and took time away from us. He could also drive cool cars, but instead we have cars that suit our needs best. He serves us by sacrificing his desires for ours.

He is all about the uniqueness and the character of a car. He's been driving a silver suburban because we needed a big car for trips, and that has no character at all. But when it came time for me to start driving, I decided my dream car would be an old land cruiser. My dad has an old white one that he hasnt had time to fix up. You can't drive it all all, in fact you can't even sit in it cause the seats are gone. It needs a lot of work. But we started looking at land cruisers that were in good condition and running well online and I thought they were the coolest things ever!

I thought I'd be buying my own car, at least half of it, and a land cruiser was out of the question. Then one day my dad came home from Colorado with a 1976 sea foam green land cruiser! I was 15 and only had my restricted permit. I was so excited! I called her Jane. Since then, it started having problems. My dad worked on it a ton! He spent a lot of money replacing parts. We then referred to her as Junkyard Jane. My dad got it working well again. It broke down a few times. So I drove the car on and off from my freshman year of high school until the end of my senior year. I drove it my whole senior year and loved it! It's a manual which was stressful to learn at first, but now I love it!

We recently sold Jane to a family in Branson. It was sad to see her go. I loved how people could spot me in my car so easily. I liked having a unique car and the color was fantastic! My aunt bought a 1978 landcruiser in red a few years ago and was having some problems with it, so we drove to Dallas last weekend and bought that land cruiser from her. Knowing that we would be getting a different land cruiser made selling Jane easier. Our new land cruiser is named Rhonda. While we were in Dallas, we left my dads suburban with a guy who will hopefully get it sold for us. It has such bad gas mileage that we decided to let it go.

I just finished my freshman year at Kansas State and I need a car I can take with me next year. My mom needs the minivan, our little truck won't make it there and back, neither will the land cruiser, plus she gets terrible mileage, so my parents told me they would buy me one more car. This one would actually be mine! All the others are family cars that I'm allowed to drive. But this car would be mine and it needed to have low miles and good gas mileage so it would last me a long time! I imagined this car shopping process would take the whole summer because my dad likes to take his time. But he found a 2012 ford escape for a great price on eBay and I loved the car, so he bid on it. I don't like small cars at all, I've always driven big cars, so this mid sized SUV was perfect. It was in one of my favorite car colors, steel blue, it had low miles, decent gas mileage, and gets good reviews for reliability. It was a sweet find! We won the auction and are now waiting for it to be delivered from Ohio. It might take a few weeks, so until them I'm hoping to drive Rhonda around. We got rid of 2 cars and bought 2 more in under 2 weeks! I'm grateful for my dad and all his car wisdom.

Saturday, June 1, 2013

Summer Craft Goals and Dorm Projects

After some intense pinterest-ing, blog searching, idea dwelling, and mental to-do lists, my brain is full of wonderful plans. I love the idea of craft projects, especially when it involves making something new and fresh out of something old and dull. Rarely do I ever start these projects though. I love this blog because it encourages me to write down my ideas and it adds motivation to actually complete what I set out to accomplish.

For the dorm, we want to be really crafty! Some of our big ideas include...

  • A pretty window sill with vases and potted flowers (and maybe a fish in a fish bowl).
  • A photo wall with our pictures displayed in different ways.
  • A braided rug made by ourselves with fabric that matches our color scheme.

We met the other day and bought some of our materials and painted pots for our window sill.

Left to right: Sarah, Morgan, Kaitlyn

After they left, I was still in a crafty mood. So I painted these bottles for vases. Can't wait to fill them with flowers!

To paint these types of bottles, you pour paint directly inside. Then you flip them upside down; you have to work with them some. Shaking all the paint to the bottom, then to one side, and tipping the bottle so the paint covers one section at a time helped me. When the inside is fully coated, tip them upside down and set them in a cup or somewhere where the excess paint can drain. I only let them drain for about 20 minutes, no need to leave them for hours. Wait a week before putting water inside them so that the paint has had time to dry entirely.

For my bulletin board, I gathered up some cool old buttons and superglued tacks to the back of them. I'm pleased with how they turned out! Some buttons have weird back that are hard to superglue anything to. Something to keep in mind.

As far as other summer projects go, I want to...

Punch holes in my letters I want to keep, put rings in them and make them into a small book so that they are easier to store and have all in one place.
Fabric the front of my old suitcase.
Make my own stud earring holder.
Make my own clutch from a pin I saw on Pinterest.
Make my own high wasted shorts.
Improve my sowing skills and fix some of my clothes that need some help. I want to be as good as my mama one day.
I also have an old cushioned folding chairs I've always wanted to fix up.

That's all I could think of to craft for now. Looking forward to more roomie craft dates! 


It's been a while since I've sat down to blog. I packed all my things in my dorm room and headed home with my parents on May 17th. Since then, all the routine I had is gone. It's been great to meet with friends, go on road trips, watch dear friends graduate high school, go car shopping (and buying!), do crafts with roommates, and enjoy my free time as I prepare for a trip to Panama and a summer internship starting in 2 days!

With all this free time and no specific structure, I haven't been memorizing a verse every week, devotions are a struggle to make time for, and my productivity has gone down some. Today is a new day and tomorrow starts a new week! I'm gonna start going through memory verses again, starting with Matthew 21:22 which says, "And whatever you ask in prayer, you will receive, if you have faith." I want and need to be a prayerful person. It's been a goal of mine these last few weeks. I'm planning to schedule prayer time into my days. If it was all up to me, that would be a big struggle to be consistent. But with my internship starting soon, I think they will schedule it into my day for me. I'm really looking forward to having routine back in my life. I hope I learn how to do it for myself better.

Hopefully, this routine will help me keep my blog up to date. So excited for the things to come this summer!