In no specific order, I am loving...
~ roommates, Sarah and Kaitlyn! David and Jonathan are the luckiest men on earth. They found themselves some gems. I cherish my time and late night conversations with them.
~ snuggles. even though I'm not a touchy person, I'm thankful for my dear friends who snuggle with me and hug me when they see me. Y'all make me feel loved. Holding hands with you girls is my favorite.
~ fundraising alongside Kaitlyn. I look forward to more prayer times with her.
~ the enneagram. It's been fun to learn about everyone's personality type.
~ baking with Laura Hough. Any excuse to be with them is a good one, but this one is especially great!
~ sending out support letters. Nothing better than busy work while watching the entire 2nd season of new girl!
~ prayer. I've learned so much about prayer, and still can't imagine grasping it. I'm loving seeing God as a loving Father who wants to give me good things. I love praying big prayers... I'm learning to at least.
~ I'm freaking going to Africa. I love that. Can't wait for fellowship with the 4 other ladies going with me!
~ land cruisers. I sure do love my Ford Escape, but I can't wait to be reunited with Rhonda in a few days. (Also can't wait for land cruiser rides in Zambia.)
~ Family Studies. Best major ever.
~ mich's help with physics. I'm passing! Appreciate the generosity and hospitality. (They give me cider and muffins over there!)
~ reunions for old memories. The first Noel watch party last week! So sweet.
~ talks with Brian and Laura about boys, marriage life, and parenting.
~ party girl donuts at varsity. I went out on a limb and tried something besides glaze and haven't looked back!
~ technology. You drive me bonkers, but you save my life daily.
~ room 118! I am loving regular knocks on the door. Please keep using our printer, eating our cookies, studying on our couch, and watching Sharknado. It makes me so happy when our room is used. It's big and comfy for a reason! Come use it!!
~ RUF. Jon rocks my soul. Blows me away with his teaching every week. Jesus, keep speaking through him. David wrestling Rudy. Political, theological, and sociological discussions after. Dog piles on the couch. Hearing Scripture read as a group. Honest questions. Non stop laughter and learning.
~ MPC. Thank you for pouring into me! I think you guys are awesome and I love watching how you care for your spouses and children. Getting out of the dorm and into real homes is so refreshing!
~ spotify. I'm loving finding music and making playlists.
~ toffee. I forgot how much I love it! So good. One of me favorite sweets.
~ thermal Ts from target! So warm and cute.
~ mom. She does everything and more for me! It's unreal. Thanks for mailing me everything and sewing my Christmas gifts for the kids on my floor. I hope I'm half the mom you are one day. Thanks for teaching me self-sacrifice and generosity.
~ when Kaitlyn leaves her car out front for me so I don't have to walk to mine.
~ when I don't get a ticket for illegally parking my car.
~ counsel. Thank you to everyone who has helped me think through my living situation next year.
~ Thursday afternoons with Alex. It's humbling for sure. I just enjoy time with her.
~ coffee. Always. (eleos brand is the best. Order online! Sumatra blend is my favorite.)
~ Nicola. It's been a joy to get to know you this semester. You teach me so much! I admire you a lot. Thanks for putting up with me being fickle about living situations.
~ supportive parents. Thanks for letting me pick where to live, and to work, and what to study, and whether or not to go to Africa for a month. It means the world!
~ breakfast and campus walks with Rudy. Without them, I would not have gone to class at 8:30am.
~ map coasters.
~ New Girl and Arrested Development. Time for a new show!
~ my dad. Thanks for giving me directions are keeping me sane all the way from Overland Park! You help me so much. Thanks for always making time for me! You make me feel special.
~ my RA Tripp, who encourages me in life and in my spiritual life. Thanks for being a great leader and helper on our floor.
~ my Chinese friends! They are so much fun to be with! Hope to take some of them home with my over Christmas!
~ this fall weather, during December! I love not wearing a coat!
~ Christmas lights in our room.
~ Sam Hinrichs. Missing her, but I love that she's in my life.
~ being a bridesmaid. Thanks for letting me be in your life, and your wedding, Erica!
~ extensive lists.